Embodiment and self-reclamation practices don’t come with a manual, it therefore seems important to acknowledge that building a safer world is no small, exact task. It is however, work that needs more of us awake, present, embodied, and contributing in unique and collective ways.


There’s healing in sharing our stories and shared experiences with others. Want to take your book club into deeper conversation? Hesitant of what opening up a group discussion on consent might involve or who it might trigger or overwhelm?

Consider having Mel or one of her team members join your book club virtually or in-person as your group explores the sacred space of reclaiming one’s story, body and consent practice.


Embodied consent and our understanding and practices with it are the foundational bedrock of safer communities. Boundaries are the expression of consent.

Do you have a desire to see your community grow in this area? Consider centering practices of consent at your next event, workshop, team-building or group experience. Mel has experience teaching at women’s retreats, book clubs, and with high-school and college aged students.

Let’s build a safer world together.


A necessary component for a safer world is the creation and familiarity with consent culture. Mel’s passionate about helping culture shift—contrary to what many of us are taught, consent violations happen all the time from people who would never intentionally want to cause harm.

Part of what contributes to unsafe work environments are individual and collective limitations with how to safely express needs and boundaries, or fearing that when we do, there might be push-back or negative consequences that follow. People may say ‘yes’ and mean ‘no’, override someone’s boundaries to reach an outcome or communicate expectations through coercion, all which contribute to a strained work environment and culture lacking consent.

Mel offers two different types of organization training:

1) Consent Practice for Leadership: Mel works one on one and in small groups with Corporate Leadership and HR Departments who want to effectively create a safer culture in their organization. This not only reduces potential harm of employees but creates a culture that’s founded on integrity and humility.

2) Team Building & Employee Training: This experience teaches employees skills for navigating conflict and communication differently and ways to advocate for their needs and boundaries in a way that can feel more professional and safe for all involved.

When individual behaviors are centered we assume people are in categories of being either good or bad, which sets up all involved for ongoing harm. When this happens we end up distancing ourselves from behaviors that need to be addressed and people who need to own their part and also heal.
Professional Development Consent Speaker: Mel Gentry Bosna

I am invested in you being the most awake, alive version of yourself that you’ve ever been. Invested in you living freely and wholly in the home of your body–the results being clearer alignment with your integrity, intuition and sovereignty. I trust where you root when you journey towards it through embodied consent and self-accountability.”

Training Reviews

“Last year I invited Mel to teach a session on reparative accountability inside my online community and we’re all still talking about her ideas, her research, and her invitation to a third way that serves the fierce and tender energy of love. So for the ones who want to evolve and grow and heal inside of community and repair, I cannot recommend Mel’s work and writing and teaching enough.”

—Stephanie Greene

Founder of Wild Soul & author of In The Direction of You

*full quote on Reviews page